Dega Darlins 2011

Dega Darlins 2011

Thank you! to Lacey, Meggi, Chrissy, Kelsey, Jeremy, and Marcus for their help with the Winter Guard floor today! The goal was to get started and we accomplished much more than I imagined. Thanks you guys for taking time out of your break to come and help with this project and Thank You for the hard work that led us to getting so much done. It doesn't really seem like a lot in the scheme of things, but to have this done is great and just one less thing we have to be concerned about.
Have a great break!

What a great year so far. Thanks for all of the hard work that you have put forth thus far. I am very excited about next semester and what it has to offer.
Have a great Holiday Season. Enjoy your time off! Merry Christmas!

We have several rehearsals on the calendar for this month. Please check often for updates and such.

We will have our regular scheduled practices with Brian to work on the show. We will also have a rehearsal on Thursday, December 18, 2008, following band practice.

Please work on the material that Brian has already written for us on your own. Keep in mind that due to our schedules now, we do not have class time to work on this.... it will require that you do a little more on your own. It will also mean that we will have to add rehearsals here and there so that we can clean and prepare between visits from Brian.

Reminder: please keep up to date on your fees.

I hope you guys are doing well and I look forward to the upcoming concert and hearing you guys perform!

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