Dega Darlins 2011

Dega Darlins 2011

2011-2012 year

The year is off to a great start!  The summer rehearsals have been outstanding and will only get better from here.  I look forward to what the year has to offer both during Marching Season and Winter Guard.  No doubt this group is going to be as stellar as ever.  Be sure that you are keeping an eye on the calendar and stay up to date on times, rehearsals and such.

Robbyn will be making posts from time to time so be sure to check in from time to time.
See you Tuesday!  

Hi.  Happy Spring BREAK! 

I just wanted to remind you to look at the Calendar on Dega Band .  It has been updated with MANY rehearsals for the next two weeks.

Look at it close and often.  The times are slightly sporadic.  I tried to move them around and fit in groups where we could to get the most out of what we need.

I am looking forward to the mad dash to the finish in Nashville.  REST UP! 


The Calendar has been updated for this week.  Please view it for rehearsals and times!  All rehearsals this week will be at ZEJH! 

*be sure your fees are up to date. 
** do not forget items for rehearsal such as.... brown chiffons and uniforms when you are scheduled to need them. 

Jai Ho

JAI HO!!!!!!!!
I told Mr. McD the other day that I feel like I should just say that to say hello..... JAI HO! It's fitting!  :)
Anyway, as the 2011winter guard year officially begins I want to take a minute and reminisce about the struggles of last year and the road less traveled.  Many of you give sacrifices daily.... whether its a little extra time at practice, a friday night painting a floor, or simply the stress of the season......yet we can't WAIT for the seaons to begin.  It is events such as those that make us who we are and the group you have become.  Those of you who performed this show last year and even those that didn't KNOW the struggles that the year presented, but in the end... perseverance, dedication and total awesomeness prevailed.  It was a long road from field day to that final performance and the road was B...U..M...P...Y....and the things that we thought would surely kill us we laugh at the most now..... uh.....kelsey's TOE! just to mention one.
I hope as this year begins that we are able to create memories like these this year and no matter the outcome I hope you have a blast throughout the winter guard year, growing, performing, and being sisters..... The road will be long, the task hard but the end result will be nothing but something for you to cherish forever no matter where you place numerically. I look forward to this journey and welcome the ride!!!!   JAI HO!
And by the way.... if you find yourself holding your breath and your heart beating fast... like I did... just as if it were the actual performance..... take a deep breath and calm down.... just to let you know they WIN.. I didn't want you to die from suspense!  :)


Hi Ladies!  

I know I mentioned recently that we needed to begin using this resource once again.  What better time than right now to do so!  I hope you guys are enjoying the snow.  You should have received texts from Kelsey, however, the calendar has been updated as well.  Please be patient over the next few days as we attempt to get in some practice time before field day.  

I have some times set aside, but as you know they are not definite until we know if we have a gym available or not.  I will let you know finalized details ASAP.    

Have some fun in the snow!  :)

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