Dega Darlins 2011

Dega Darlins 2011

Reminder: Update

HI YA! Great Job at the Concert last night!

Don't forget that we have rehearsal with Brian on Saturday from 12 noon- 5pm.
Rehearsal will be in the ZEJH Gym.
Bring your KNEE PADS, flag, sabre, gloves, etc.
Also, bring water and snacks for breaks if you like.

Also, Don't forget that your fees are due by December 12th, which is the same Saturday as rehearsal.

check this out

This is not exactly Winter Guard, but it is AMAZING. The precision... WOW! Check it out!

Practice update

Practice will be held in the Lunchroom at THS tonight with Brian.

The time is the same as listed on the calendar; 5:00-8:00 pm.

Bring your knee pads, gloves and flag.


Winter Guard is HERE! I know you are excited and so am I. Camp this weekend will kick off our season and I hope that it will be a great one. Information regarding camp was given out today, if you were absent or did not receive it please be sure to pick it up in the band office.

I also want to remind you that demerits are applied from tryout to tryout. If you already have demerits and receive more they will be added to what you already have. They DO NOT start over until after the next audition process occurs in April. Demerits will be enforced in order to help sustain the quality of the group.

See you FRIDAY!

Great Weekend!

Fun performance in the rain Friday night followed by a win at Competition in Prattville. I am so proud of you guys. I am excited as we continue the journey to be the best that we can be. Good performances and good competitions just keep us going in the right direction. Thanks for all of your hard work and time commitments!

Talladega High School Seniors and Drum major.

Congratulations to the Dega Darlins for superior ratings and a 1st place finish.
Congrats to Blake (Drum Major) for his Superior Rating.
And Congratulations to the ENTIRE THS band for the Superior Rating you earned and for the 3rd place finish!
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happy dance Pictures, Images and Photos
Practice for a Pep-rally dance has been scheduled for
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
from 5:00 to 8:30

(I do realize the long hour this time... I just want to make sure we have enough time to get it done.)

If you look at the band calendar we do not have practice on Monday and you will not have it on Tuesday either, just this practice for the pep-rally.

Location of this practice will be announced. I am hoping we can do it in the gym at ZEJH.

Hello girls!
As talked about at practice, here is your checklist for what to pack for this busy weekend!
(Also, there are copies in our room at school if you want to get one tomorrow.)

Thursday practice: Wear a band shirt and red shorts.

What to pack:
-Uniform (gauntlets, gloves, skirt, mambo sleeves)
-Undergarments (body suits, socks, ect... remember that you might need to bring two pairs!)
-Saturday morning practice: Band shirt, red shorts, black tights, white shoes.
-After the performance: Pink shirts, dark wash jeans, black shoes (and have a white pair in case and the jeans are not final yet, but you will know by tomorrow.)
-Bring an extra set of clothes, on the off chance that something goes wrong. :)
-Of course, bring your pajamas.
-Anything you might need for your hair and make up (to cut down on luggage, you can see who is bringing what so that we don't end up with 12 flat irons and PLEASE bring hairspray!)

okay, I think that is it.
Tell me if I missed anything!
Lets make tomorrow a good practice with lots of smiles, positivity, and hard work!

I love you all!


Congratulations on a GREAT first home game Friday night! I am proud of you. Also, thank you for showing up and helping/supporting the Ellis Emeralds as they auditioned on Saturday. I know they enjoyed having you there and I sure did appreciate your help. What a great group of girls that audition. I am looking forward to a great year with all of you guys!

Hi Ladies! I hope that you have a great night tonight. The first home game... WOO!

Tomorrow if you would like to come and help or support the Ellis Emeralds as they audition you are more than welcome to do so. The bandroom will be open at 9:00 am and tryouts will begin at 10:00am. I anticipate that we will be done around noon.

I know the girls would love to have you there, and of course you are always more than welcome to come.

If I do not see you, I hope you enjoy your weekend... the nice long weekend.. yay!


Thanks ladies for all of the help today for the first day of Ellis Emerald Clinic. The girls that turned out for tryouts did quit well and having each of you there to help really added to the atmosphere and the quality of what was done. I really appreciate each of you.

Feel free to come any day this week that you may have free.

Tuesday 5-6:30, Wed. 3:30-5, Thurs. 5-7 and Saturday morning at 10 for auditions.

Thanks AGAIN!

The time is near and the first game is approaching fast! Please take care of any last minute items or practice time you may need. If you are still having issues on a part please ask for help. If you ask, there are people willing to assist you. If you need anything let me or Lacey know.

I am very excited about Friday night and I hope you are too!

Angelic, Ingram, Shonquita, Riley, Chelcia and LaTeriya this is your first ballgame of the year as a Dega Darlin. YAY! I hope it is as good as you imagined and hoped. I wish you the best as you take the field for the first time in costume and I especially hope that as you come off the field you know that it was all worth it; the sun, heat, sweat, long rehearsals and hard work. Enjoy it!

Ashley, Chrissy, Meggi, Kelsey, and Tisha the year is about to start for real. Friday night as we take the field I hope that each of you feel a great since of accomplishment and pride as you continue your journey as a Dega Darlin. A great year is ahead of us, built on a foundation of stable members such as yourself. Thank you for the work and effort that you put forth for the benefit of The Talladega High band. It does not go unnoticed.

Lacey, this is your last first game. I hope that this game is the start to an amazing senior year for you, with lots of fun memories that you will cherish forever. Keep up the good work and thank you for all that you do for the Dega Darlins and the Talladega High School Band. We ALL appreciate you!

I am excited to just get the first game done so we can move on from here. It will get better and better each week. I am so proud of you ladies!

The first week of band camp flew by! I just wanted to let you girls know that I think you are off to a great start. I anticipate a GREAT year ahead.

Keep up the great work! Practice your routines and Don't forget to set up a time to do your pre-passoff with Lacey for the first two songs; Move and You Should be Dancing.

Enjoy the weekend and get some rest.
See you on Monday!
*pictures to come soon.

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Band Camp Day 1

First Day of Band Camp is Talladega High School Tiger Spirit Day! Show your pride for your school by representing the TIGERS!

Red, white, Tigers, etc.
Go all out and have fun.

See you Bright and Early on Monday!


So, the first day of band camp is TOMORROW! YAY! Just a few reminders....

1. Sunscreen. (not a good time to work on your tan.. you will get fried anyway)
2. Bring your Gloves for weapons.
3. WATER and lots of it (no carbonated drinks)
4. Sunscreen
5. Brian will be here Tuesday Night... YAY!
6. See Lacey about the Pool Party Tuesday afternoon. (Parents are welcome and encouraged to attend.) We could use one more chaperone... you know I will have to stay with the band at camp.
7. Sunscreen... even at the pool
8. Uniform fitting on Wednesday morning... YAY.
9. Water... it is H..O..T
10. I look forward to a GREAT week. See ya there!

*Go under comments and read Meggi's under Lacey's previous post. They both mentioned important and good info.

Love you guys... lets officially start the 2009-2010 season... WOO!

Next week!

Hello darlins!
I just wanted to take a minute to remind you and further explain some things.
None of us are new to the band camp experience, but make sure you remember all of the necessities! (sun screen, bug spray, water, towel, AND A NOTEBOOK!)

-Usually,we are the section to forget our notebooks with page protectors.:P
So make sure you bring that with a pencil in it.

On Tuesday, Brian will be coming to teach from 5:00-9:00.
That means that when everyone else breaks to eat lunch, we get to leave, and don't come back until... well before 5:00! :P
For everyone that needs them, we can give you directions to Meggi's house, or you can ride with someone (I will have lots of room).
On Monday, we can decide who is going to bring what. And Ms Todd has already called dibs on buying the pizza!

Along with your swim suit, swim gear, and snacks I would bring a change of clothes to wear to practice when we go back so you won't have to put sweaty ones back on! haha.

Oh and parents are more than welcome to come too!

If you have any questions or concerns you can text, call, e-mail, or anything else to get in touch with me!

I hope you all are excited about everything as much as I am!
See you Monday, and don't forget to go all out with your Talladega spirit!

I love you!

Thursday Night - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more
Take a last minute break before band camp, which begins on Monday, July 27, 2009. If you were absent from practice last week, Mr. McDaniel announced that Thursday's practice will be Jazz band only (at a scheduled time). We will not have full band Thursday night practice.
Take the time to get some rest before a GREAT week of sun and fun!
Enjoy the night off!


Interested in seeing a drum corp performance up close and personal? You still have time.

Drum Corp season is quickly coming to an exciting end, but you still have a few options to catch a show either live or in a theater. Visit for ticket information. There is a show in Gadsden, AL, on this Friday, July 24, 2009 and a show in Atlanta this Saturday, July 25, 2009. Ticket information can be found on the dci website.

Click the picture above to see the trailer for the Quarter-Final LIVE broadcast in theaters on August 6, 2009. The closest showing for us is in Trussville, AL.

Grab some friends and go see for yourself! You won't regret it.

Ever thought how cool it would be to start your own rock band? Jam Studio (click here) can give you the opportunity to experiment and do just that. It is a free online studio that helps you easily create tracks that you can play along with on any instrument. Beginning or Advanced it is entertaining to play around with.

Have Fun!

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Hey girls!
These past few days I have been searching for new exercises and stretches that we could incorporate into our warmups. I always end up at, so I figured yall should know about them too.
There is on online studio(and youtube account) and a lot of videos that can teach you how to do leaps, turns, kicks, stretches, workouts, combinations, and a lot more.

Enjoy your week off from practice! But please practice on your own, stretch, and maybe even work out.
I would like to up the numbers on the crunches we do, so be prepared!

I love you all!

Just a reminder that not only should you take the opportunity to utilize the blog of your individual section, but you should also visit blogs of other sections and feel free to make comments there too. You can find the link in the sidebar of your blog. For a start, go visit the drum major blog to see how Blake did at Spirit Camp.

Thanks for your hard work this week at rehearsal!

Over the next week I want to encourage you to work on your routines at home, or like Lacey said, "with a friend". She also suggested recording yourself which is a great idea and easier to do with a friend. We must be willing to recognize our mistakes in order to become better. You know what you are looking at; you just have to be able to see it.

Due to the fact that I know you enjoy the song and in honor of Michael Jackson, I posted a video below. This song you guys always mention when anyone mentions him. I wish I had video of you doing the dance last year at that pep-rally, I would have posted that instead. You know on youtube you can find many groups doing the thriller dance. I have seen this one before but was reminded of it yesterday. It is humerous and pretty good. Enjoy!

See you in July!


Hey girls!
I just wanted to let you all know that I am extremely proud of all the hard work we have accomplished this past weekend and this afternoon, and I am excited for more to come!

Make sure you practice on your own at home (or with a friend)!
If you have a digital camera with a video setting or any way to video that would be a great way to clean on your own. Other people can tell you what you are doing wrong, but if you see it for yourself it will help you understand better.

Stretch at home too!
It is important to know this: If you stretch for about 30 seconds, you are stretching to get ready to dance for the day. If you hold the stretch for 1:30 minutes to 3:00 minutes, you are stretching to increase flexibility. Holding the stretch for a longer duration is how you will see results. Let pain be your guide. There is a difference between feeling a little uncomfortable and pain.

And work out at home some too! If you find any new exercises, bring them to practice and show us! We need to build our arm and shoulder strength so anything like that will be great.

Keep up the good work! See you Thursday, and wear blue!

i love you all!

Below is a video from Summer Camp. I hope you enjoy the pictures. It ended up kind of long....hmmmm... not sure how that happened. But I wanted to include as many pictures as possible. If it is too big to download and is being slow let me know and I will see about making changes. Thanks for a GREAT week ladies. GREAT JOB! I am excited about the new year! I have to say that I am especially proud of our new members. With six new people to the line it can sometimes be difficult, but you stepped up to the plate this week. Congratulations!


Hi everyone! I hope that you summer has been great so far. I am very excited about the upcoming camp with Brian. I think this is going to be a fun and upbeat show that we all will enjoy. Just a few reminders:
1. Dress in comfortable clothing that allows you to move.
2. Bring lots of water and/or Gatorade. Hydration is very important.
3. On Friday and Saturday bring your lunch. You will not be allowed to leave for lunch.
4. Remember that demerits will be enforced. Be on time!
Also, on Thursday Mrs. Bonnie will be here to fit you for uniforms. We will likely do this when you first arrive depending on when she is there.
See you on Thursday!

Handbook - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

Just a reminder that demerits and all rules apply from tryout to tryout, therefore you began your new 'auxiliary member' year after the April tryout. Demerits are given for the entire year. Below is a link to your handbook for those of you that may have misplaced yours. You will also see that a link has been added in the sidebar of your blog for future reference.

Please be sure to keep up with all of the requirements that are expected as a member of the Dega Darlins. Every member is important and we want for you to succeed. Rules and Regulations are set to keep things fair and running smoothly.

If you have questions please ask Mr. McDaniel or Ms. Todd.

Talladega High School Auxiliaries Handbook

It has been a great year and it ended with a great ceremony, in which you were honored. We are very proud of each of you; Ariel, Gereka and Bobbi. You have made your mark on Talladega High School and the Dega Darlins. WE love you and will treasure the moments that we have had this year.... WHAT A GREAT YEAR it was! Come back and visit often and good luck in all that you do.


We will have Winter Guard practice at Talladega High School in the Gym after school until 5:00 p.m. on Monday, May 4th to prepare for the Spring Concert on Tuesday!

The DEGA DARLINS 2009 line for the fall will have your first uniform fitting on May 4, 2009. Mrs. Bonnie will come during school around 12:30. Mr. McDaniel will call you to the bandroom from class. (this is not for Addition; your fitting will be at a later time.)

Also: After the spring concert is done, we will schedule some after school rehearsals. Please keep an eye on the blog and the calendar at

What a Gig!

On April 23, 2009, the Talladega High School Jazz Band was invited to perform for the International Motorsports Hall of Fame ceremonies. With great preparation, lots of anticipation and much excitement the group of young musicians took on this adventure with great enthusiasm. Much is to be said about the musical presentation and outstanding representation of the Talladega City Schools from this group of young people; it was truly outstanding.

A special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Smith for their help providing dinner for the group, as well as Mrs. Rasco. Also to Dr. Frank Buck for his attendance and support at this event. It is wonderful to have such great support from parents and administrators in the Talladega City School System.
To see pictures Click Here

Have you checked out the photos from Championships. Click here

Blake Matson

Lacey Lackey

(no particular order)

Shonquita McDaniel
Riley Rutledge
Meggie Lewis
La'Tisha Wilson
Lateriya Stamps
Lacey Lackey
Kelsey Paris
Ingram McCollum
Chrissy Moore
Chelcia Mosley
Ashley Goggans
Angelic Curry

(no particular order)

Jatonica Whitson
Morgan Davidson
Kayla Langley
Robbyn Stratton
Mya Thomas
Lexie Gates Rasco
Kayla Mowery
Terencea Holtzclaw
Heather Blocker
MaKayla Montgomery

Audition clinic is coming up next week; April 6th - 10th, 2009.

Be sure that you have cleared all debts at school so that you may audition.

Also, be sure that you read the handout/rules very carefully. Some things may have changed since the last time you looked at it.

Visit for a detailed schedule of clinic week.

See you then; Bring a friend!

Group photos

Group photos taken by Bateman Photography are available online. You can go to www.photoreflect and do a search, or click here. Be sure to click the arrow so you can view both photos of the group. You can also view all of the groups from the 2 day event.

There are several purchasing options. I suggest the digital file that is at the bottom of the list. They email it to you in a few weeks and you have it on your computer from then on. It costs under $5.00.


Congratulations ladies!

So lets review. At the first contest, field day, you started off in Scholastic B class and they promoted you to Scholastic AAA. We then practiced like crazy for the next week and very quickly traveled to Oak Grove where you won the 1st place trophy. A few more weeks of rehearsal and it was off to Hoover, yes, to happily once again receive the 1st place trophy. So it was off to Nashville to see how we could fair at SCGC Championships. With the performance of your life, you receive the Bronze Medal and become 2009 Alabama State Champions. Wow, what a great season. Mr. McDAniel, Brian and I are all VERY proud of you and your accomplishments.

The only thing I can say is hard work pays off. All of the rest has been said this weekend. You are a great assest to the band program at Talladega High School and your efforts are commended. I am so proud of your accomplishments! Keep up the good work.

Thanks for all of your help and the great role models that you are for the Ellis Emeralds and Dega Addition.

To my sisters...

This past year has been such an unforgettable experience. I never would have imagined we would get this close and be so strong. We began this year with weak friendships and are now preparing to end it as a family, an extremely close one at that.

We have gone through a lot over the years, and we have always gotten through it together (Which is more than most any group of teenage girls could ever say).

Each one of you means more to me than words could ever express, and I know that I will never forget any of you and any part of this year.

You are my sisters now.

Seniors- I really don't know what I am going to do without you all...

Bobbi- We are the only girls left from the first year of winterguard. You are a beautiful and strong person and dancer. You have the most amazing dry sense of humor that never fails to brighten my day. I hate so much that I spent most of our first two years as Dega Darlins not getting that close to you. I'm going to miss you so much. I love you and I will always be here for you like you have been for me. (and thank you again for the swiss rolls last year!) :]

Gereka- "ohh yeah" I can definitely say that I regret not getting to know you last year. You and Ariel both came straight onto this guard with the strength of any vet. You have truly amazing leadership skills and are so helpful to all of us. I love how you aren't afraid to tell us things the way they are. You can always make me laugh, and more times than you know you have helped to brighten my day. I miss you already just thinking about it. I love you Greka. :]

Ariel- "do she know?!" I really regret not getting to know you last year too. Your sense of humor is also not one to be matched. You are beautiful all the way around. You were the best partner on everything in the show. Every time we started partner work I knew I didn't have to worry about it. You kept me smiling during the numerous tiring practices. I miss you already too, and I love you so much. :]

Sophomores: I know I shouldn't talk about me graduating yet seeing as I still have another full year, but I just want the four of you to know that I will feel comfortable leaving... Just because I know you will be there to carry on ever tradition and our name with ease. Each of you has your strengths and weaknesses and collectively you will be able to make this group unstoppable.

Meggi- You, my dear, don't give yourself near as much credit as you deserve. You are a beautiful dancer/performer (you don't look lanky!). You have grown so very much since your first year. You have to be one of the most determined people I have ever met, which is definitely a good thing. Last year at all county had to be one of the most stressful days, but we got through it and with tons of funny stories. This year was great too and so much more relaxing since we didn't have to fly to Hoover. And lunch was great. :) I love you!

Kelsey-Wow, have we been put to the test. :) Both times we have been to Nashville have made our friendship stronger, and I'm very thankful for that. You are a strong person and performer. Anyone can tell that you put your heart on the floor when you are out there. More than anything in the world, I am glad we are back to the way we should be. I love you!

Tisha- You have got to be one of the sweetest people I know, but I must say I love seeing you get angry (with other people, that is). :] I know you get frustrated a lot, but it just proves how much you really care. I truly hate that last year I didn't really know you at all. I'm am definitely looking forward to this next year and getting to know you even more. You are a sweetheart and an amazing dancer! I love you.

Chrissy- Where to begin, you are truly amazing Chrissy. You beat the odds last year at tryouts, and ever since have blended right in to the rest of us. You fit in so perfectly that no one could have ever guessed you were the new girl. :) You are definitely a natural when it comes to equipment work (which was obvious when you picked up sabre so quickly). You are a very strong person and dancer. I am very glad you came into this group the way you did, and I am looking forward to next year with you! I love you.

Ms. Todd- Without you, we wouldn't be what we are today. I am more than thankful that my freshmen year was the year that you came to Talladega. We definitely weren't guardies then and to be honest we were quite lazy, but since then we have come so far. I owe all of our success to you. Without a driving force we would still be what were then. Thank you for pushing us; thank you for being there for us. I love you! :)

(*I know most of you have done your own version of this, so leave it in a comment!)

I was looking on today to see if your photos were on there from Saturday at Hoover. They were not, however, I ran across pictures from 2007, the first year that we did winter guard.

As we head to championships, I thought what a perfect time to remind you all, especially the ladies that were on that guard, of how it all began. Click here to see photos from that year. You can also see pictures from last year and earlier this year through the search engine.


Congratulations on your FIRST place finish at Hoover.... no doubt... well deserved!

I am so proud of the work, not only at hoover, but throughout the rest of the year that you have put forth. You have come a LONG way and both Mr. McDaniel and I could not be more proud. Going into championships you have already had a successful season getting promoted to SAAA and taking first place at both competitions since then. It is an accomplishment that comes from nothing other than hard work.

Get lots of rest during spring break so that we can come back full force and have two of the best rehearsals EVER! right before we go to Nashville. You never know how things will turn out when you compete; all you can do is prepare, do you best and hope you come out on top. I hope that you each have had a great year and as we go into this performance at Nashville I want for each of you to focus on making it the best performance for you. HAVE FUN, PERFORM, and whatever happens.... happens.

We will have rehearsal on Monday and Thrusday from 5:00-8:00pm.
**We have a few minor changes to make and then as many run throughs as possible.

I am looking forward to the trip with you guys. I should have schedule on Thursday for our performance times. I will post it on here and put the updated itinerary on

Enjoy the rest of your spring break!

More Hoover Info

We will have an hour practice on friday. Your time is from 4:30-5:30 at ZEJH. Ellis Emeralds will go before you and Addition will go after you. You are more than welcome to come watch and help with all three groups.

Click here for the Hoover Itinerary

Please refer to the calendar on often for updates and info.
See you Monday, Thursday, and Friday!


In preparation for Hoover, we will have practice Monday as usual from 5-8 at ZEJH.

We will also have practice on Thursday from 5-7 at ZEJH.

Keep in mind that we may do a run through on Friday afternoon 4:30-5:30.

Please practice your routines individually in the meantime.

Every contest is important, but this one will help determine where we are placed for championship performance. We need to be prepared to do the absolute best we can!

In our class is Sparkman, Spain Park, Pell City, Fultondale, Tupelo, and Chelsea. Your performance time for those coming to watch is 7:23pm.. the last in our class... a great spot.

Spread the word to those that may not read this.

Time delay!

Practice on Monday, Feb. 23rd, will be at the ZEJH gym... however due to ZEJH cheerleader clinic we will begin at 5:30. We will go til 8:00 p.m.

See you there!

venue Change

Practice on Monday, Feb. 23rd will be at Talladega High School.

5-8 with Brian.


There are pictures available online for viewing and purchase by Bateman photo from the Oak Grove competition. Bateman photography is the official photographer of the SCGC and will have pictures up for each event the week following the performance. There are some great pictures available. Click here to view.


I am proud of the work that you guys did on Monday and the motivation that you seemed to have driving you. Keep up the hard work and your eye on the end goal... SCGC championships 2009.

Practice the new stuff that Brian gave us and toss your flag and sabre every chance you get. The more comfortable you are the better. See you soon!


The last two weeks have felt like a whirlwind. I know you feel that way too. However, the amount of work that you did and the accomplishments that you have made are a true testament of what a great group of young ladies you really are. I am so proud of each of you!

To get promoted to the next class and work so hard just to hang in there, then in the end take 1st place. Wow! Thats all I can say. I hope that you are as proud of yourselves as the other two groups, your parents, your friends, me and Mr. McDaniel, Brian and all of the other people that have told me how well you did are.

Of course, our work is not done. We will have regular Monday practice at Zora Ellis from 5-8 with Brian. We may also have a guest to help with some additional equipment stuff. Thursday we will not have practice after band rehearsal. I realize I don't have to tell you this, but don't relax just because we came off of a win. People are watching you now and we have A LOT to do!
I am currently working on information for Championships. I will get that to you as soon as it is finished. I will also get you the Hoover info as soon as I have it.
See you at school tomorrow!

Ellis Emeralds 4:39
Dega Darlins Addition 5:13
Dega Darlins 6:55

The Ellis Emeralda and Addition will be pretty much back to back, however, there will be about on hour before your performance time after the Addition. We can discuss what you want to do as far as changing, but you will have time to change into your outfit if you do not want to wear it under your uniform all day.

The competition in your class is: Hewitt-Trussville, Fultondale H.S., Pell City, Spain Park, Thompson and Chelsea. Several good guards, but so are you! We will just have to do our best and see what happens. This weekend should at least be interesting with all three groups.

Only one rehearsal left before Oak Grove!

I am very proud of you ladies for the amount of work that you have put forth the past two times that Brian has come to Dega. It is hard to believe how much you have gotten done.

Don't forget the schedule for Saturday. I still don't have your exact performance time, but if I get it prior to Saturday I will let you know. We still plan to arrive there at 3:00.

We will meet at the THS bandroom at 11:30.
Reminder: Turn in your travel forms.

Practice on Thursday will be from 5-8 in the ZEJH gym... see you there!

check it out

Go to the Dega Addition blog and check out the comments under the post... Counting down. Angelic posted something good.

Wow! What a great rehearsal you had on Monday night with Brian. I am amazed at the amount of work you got done. A lot to clean no doubt.

Next week, the week of competition, we will have our regular practice with Brian on Monday from 5-8. Due to the fact that he will add new work on Monday as well, Brian will come back to Dega on Thursday from 5:30-8. (Take the hour between band and winter guard to go get something to eat or have someone bring you something to eat.) Yep, two rehearsals with Brian in one week. Get lots of rest this weekend. We want to make every effort to have a successful performance at the Oak Grove competition, especially since it will be your first time in your new classification.

I am excited about the next contest and I hope you are too.

I should have an itineray available for the oak grove contest soon.

Great Job on Saturday at your first competition of the 2009 Winter Guard season. I am so proud of each of you. Keep up the good work! Receiving the 2nd place trophy was a great accomplishment and being promoted to Scholastic AAA even bigger... WOW!

With this accomplishment will no doubt come lots of hard work. We will now do the entire song, rather than the cut version. The time requirements changed when you got promoted. I am looking forward to a very outstanding and exciting year.

We will have regular practice on Monday with Brian... as far as I know it will be in the ZEJH gym. However, if that changes I will let you know.

Thanks ladies for representing your band, your school and yourselves to such a high degree on Saturday. People are recognizing you and what you are doing. I also want to thank you for setting such a great example for the Dega Darlins Addition and the Ellis Emeralds.

What a great start! How exciting!

Great practice today! I am looking forward to Saturday and I hope you are too! One day left!

Ladies, ladies,! What a great job you did at practice Monday night. Brian said he may not have had a group of girls that worked so hard. I am very impressed and excited. I hope you are too.

Keep working in class and at home, especially with the sabre. Thursday we will do as many run throughs as possible. Notice on the calendar that the time is different due to competition coming up and the new material we added on Monday.

Love you guys!

Practice Monday!

Hey Girls!

I hope you are having a great weekend. I just wanted to let you know a few updated details about practice on Monday. It will be held at Shocco Springs from 5:30-8:00.(notice the time change.) We had to move to a location where we could be in a gym with Brian.

Brian said that you guys would be learning a 'chunk' on Monday so rest up...haha. Gotta love him! and we DO!

If you have a few seconds... go to the Ellis Emerald Blogspot. Mr. McDaniel, Marcus and I worked on the Ellis floor today. It turned out quite good. Check it out.

Also, a few reminders:

  • Review your handout that you received on Friday. Don't forget to give it to your parents so they can review it too.
  • On Monday bring your travel forms.
  • Monday wear your uniforms to practice. If its at the bandroom I can bring it or you can pick it up between 3-5 (at the bandroom), when addition has practice.
  • We will have Thursday practice. TIME CHANGE... immediatly following band practice until 6:00. I will let you know where, but hopefully in the Ellis Gym for a last run through before the competition.

We will have rehearsal this week at ZEJH. Plan to go from 5:00-8:00, so that we can make up a little for having to cancel next week.

Field day is approaching fast.

We will have practice for an hour after your band practice on thrusday to review work from Monday. We will have it in the lunchroom at THS.

See you tomorrow!

Below is a schedule that has been posted for the Pell City competition on January 24, 2009. As most of you know this competion is called 'field day' and is basicially a coming out point for all guards that are participating in Winter Guard. There is another location as well in TN. I will give you a more detailed schedule about departure times and such at your next practice, but wanted to give you this so that you can see who is coming and the estimated times. Keep in mind that sometimes they make adjustments to the schedule. Also, go ahead and start making your travel plans; Everyone must ride with a parent, either your own or someone elses. NO students will be allowed to drive.

Welcome and National Anthem 4:00 PM
Guard Contest

Unit Class Body Movement Ready Perform critique Room
Ellis Emeralds 3:47 PM 3:53 PM 3:59 PM 4:05 PM 4:25 PM A
Panteras Cadet 3:53 PM 3:59 PM 4:05 PM 4:11 PM 4:31 PM A

Hewitt-Trussville HS 3:59 PM 4:06 PM 4:13 PM 4:18 PM 4:39 PM B
Moody Winter Guard 4:04 PM 4:11 PM 4:18 PM 4:25 PM 4:46 PM B
Pelham HS JV 4:11 PM 4:18 PM 4:25 PM 4:32 PM 4:53 PM B
Fort Payne HS 4:18 PM 4:25 PM 4:32 PM 4:39 PM 5:00 PM A
Dega Darlins Addition 4:25 PM 4:32 PM 4:39 PM 4:46 PM 5:07 PM A
Shades Valley JV 4:32 PM 4:39 PM 4:46 PM 4:53 PM 5:14 PM A
Pell City HS_ Panteras 4:39 PM 4:46 PM 4:53 PM 5:00 PM 5:21 PM B
Dega Darlins 4:46 PM 4:53 PM 5:00 PM 5:07 PM 5:28 PM B
Bob Jones HS 4:53 PM 5:00 PM 5:07 PM 5:14 PM 5:35 PM B
Spain Park HS 5:00 PM 5:07 PM 5:14 PM 5:21 PM 5:42 PM A

Break 5:28 PM
Thompson HS 5:51 PM 5:59 PM 6:07 PM 6:15 PM 6:54 PM A
CG of Chelsea High 5:59 PM 6:07 PM 6:15 PM 6:23 PM 7:02 PM A
Pelham HS Varsity 6:07 PM 6:15 PM 6:23 PM 6:31 PM 7:10 PM A
Pell City HS_ Panteras 6:15 PM 6:23 PM 6:31 PM 6:39 PM 7:18 PM B
Oak Grove HS 6:23 PM 6:31 PM 6:39 PM 6:47 PM * B
Shades Valley HS 6:31 PM 6:39 PM 6:47 PM 6:55 PM * B
Brookwood Crimson Star 6:39 PM 6:47 PM 6:55 PM 7:03 PM * A
Hoover HS Winter Guard 6:47 PM 6:55 PM 7:03 PM 7:11 PM * A

Amor IA 6:55 PM 7:03 PM 7:11 PM 7:19 PM * A
University of Alabama 7:03 PM 7:12 PM 7:21 PM 7:27 PM * B

Contest Concludes at 7:36PM
Awards Begin at 7:50PM (full retreat)
Clinic (hands on with Capella WG) from 9:00- 10:00
Instructors critique will follow the contest.
Please sign up with the T&P judge before the end of the contest.

Unfortunately due to circumstances beyond our control, practice for tonight has been cancelled.

As of right now, we will not reschedule this practice, however, keep in mind that the progress of all practices determines the amount of additional practices we must have. Come next monday ready to work. (Monday's rehearsal will be in the ZEJH Gym.) We will have practice on Thursday as planned.

See you at school tomorrow.


Just a reminder that we will have our regularly scheduled rehearsal on Monday night (5-7:30) with Brian. I am hoping to secure a gym on Monday. If so I will post it on here and attempt to call you guys.

Happy New Year!

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