Dega Darlins 2011

Dega Darlins 2011

Hi Ladies.

Good showing at Hoover on Saturday.  Congrats on your Third place finish.  We have LOTS of work to do over the next few weeks that will require group and individual effort.  Keep up the good work and push hard for the next few weeks as we head toward championships... next stop.. Killen, AL. 

Click here for the Brooks High School; Killen, AL itinerary.

Be prepared to dress out daily during class time between now and championships.  


Just to let you know.  The Hoover updates did not effect us.  The only thing that changed is that the Dega Darlins will go on at 8:03 instead of 8:05.  You can still use the itinerary that I gave you for Hoover.  It is linked in an earlier post if you lost it.  Scroll down.... :)

I received an email from the SCGC Contest director stating that the Hoover Competition would have time changes and could vary up to 20 minutes from what I originally gave you.  I am not sure in what direction the time changes will occur.  As soon as I have the NEW schedule I will get it to you. I should have it some time onMonday. 

Hi All!  
Wear your uniform to practice on Tuesday! 
See you there!


The calendar has been updated!
We are VERY busy between
now and championships.  Go
ahead and check out the
changes now so you can plan.
Especially pay attention to
SCGC Championship week.
We have a lot of rehearsals to
make up for being off for Spring
Break.  :)

Fun, Food, Friends and Flip Flops!!!!

I hope that each of you had a great time hanging out and relaxing together before the busy week ahead and found a little comfort and stress relief by being around each other, I did.  Thanks!  I am very thankful that we have THREE GREAT groups of young ladies that are so eager and willing to spend some time together and make it a fun event EVERY time!  

I am looking forward to the Hoover Competition coming up and I know you are too.  Get lots of rest this weekend.  With MPA and a Winter Guard Competition it is Busy, Busy all week long. But what a rewarding week it will be.  I am very proud of each of you!  :)

Invite your friends and family out to Hoover on February 27, 2010
to see you in action. The itinerary is located below in a previous post.

Our schedule is:
Ellis Emeralds 4pm
Dega Addition 4:55pm
Dega Darlins 8:05pm

We would like to have lots of friends and family there. This is the closest
competition to Talladega, so it might be the only chance some people get to see you live.

Click here to view the Itinerary for Hoover!

Looking forward to a great performance.

Jump on board!

Let the ride BEGIN! WOOoooOOOOoOooooOooOooOoo!

Be sure to check out the calendar on dega band for rehearsal updates and such.... OFTEN. With Winter Guard going full speed ahead and the band getting ready for MPA and all of the other events going on it is a roller coaster ride for sure.
So watch the calendar and hang on. The ride will be a good one! :)

Don't forget winter guard shirt forms are due Tuesday the 9th!

If you have changes to your rooming list you provided for Nashville, let me know ASAP!

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